Monday, March 27, 2017

Week of 3/27/17 show

This week on It Came From The Radio, Mark and Pronto Comics' Dominic Sparano discuss the new Logan movie as well as have a mini interview with Ominious Press' Sean Husvar at the Big Apple Con

Listen on the air (weekday nights) on WARY 88.1FM, online (Thursday 4pm EST) on Beyond the Dawn Studios, and (Next Wednesday 9pm EST) on Talking Alternative, or on demand on our ITunes,  I heart Radio, or  Listen on Google Play Music pages

Monday, March 20, 2017

Week of 3/20/17 show

This week on It Came From The Radio, Mark and Charlie talk about the Big Apple Con as well as present more mini interviews with Character Actor Father Evil, Freelance Makeup Artist Anthony Giordano (along with his model Britney Rose), and Small Animal Taxidermist Nikki Baldelli from the Bizzare Haunted Flea Market.

Listen on the air (weekday nights) on WARY 88.1FM, online (Thursday 4pm EST) on Beyond the Dawn Studios, or (Next Wednesday 9pm EST) on Talking Alternative, or on demand on our ITunes,  I heart Radio, or  Listen on Google Play Music

Monday, March 13, 2017

week of 3/13/17 show

This week on It Came From The Radio, Senior Correspondent Charlie Saladino has mini interviews with Victoria Price, Danielle Najarian, Josh Lajeunesse, and Todd Staruch

Listen on the air (weekday nights) on WARY 88.1FM, online (Thursday 4pm EST) on Beyond the Dawn Studios, or (Next Wednesday 9pm EST) on Talking Alternative, or on demand on our I heart Radio page.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week of 3/6/17 show

This week on It Came From The Radio, New Co-host Pronto Comic's Dominic Sparano joins us in our new studio as we interview Model/Actress/Producer/Screenwriter Seregon O'Dassey

Listen on the air (weekday nights) on WARY 88.1FM, online (Thursday 4pm EST) on Beyond the Dawn Studios, or (Next Wednesday 9pm EST) on Talking Alternative, or on demand on our I heart Radio page.